Office of the Provost / Senior Vice-President for Academic Affairs
Message from the Provost
The 澳彩开奖记录 is a vital part of the proud, 500-year-old tradition of Jesuit education. Whether we arrive as a student, staff-member, faculty member, or administrator we join in a wonderful mission, a mission to transform the world into something better.
At Scranton we believe that the world is charged with the grandeur of God (as Gerald Manley Hopkins wrote) and that all things counter, original, spare, strange, He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change.
Our University is blessed with spectacular programs and facilities: the Loyola Science Center, Pilarz and Montrone Halls, the DeNaples Center, and our Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Memorial Library are among the most remarkable. Leahy Hall, our newest building, houses the University’s cutting-edge programs in the health sciences.
As a Jesuit institution of learning, we focus on the education of the whole person and embrace the time-honored principles of cura personalis, magis, and rei solicitudo. We expect much of our students, and encourage them to reach for high goals. Using this unique approach, Scranton creates outstanding athletes, business professionals, scholars, artists, scientists, healers and, most importantly, men and women for others.
A critical part of this journey is made possible by our faculty members. Made up of experts from across the world, Scranton’s faculty members are leaders in their fields, distinguished researchers and teachers deeply committed to the success of our students. Eighty-nine percent of our faculty members hold doctoral or other terminal degrees, and even a quick survey of their biographies contained in our College and Departmental websites will reveal the depth and sophistication of their training.
The Provost’s Office team is committed to assisting faculty members, administrators and students in their endeavors. An important purpose of this website is to give our faculty members useful information about our processes and programs. If you have questions about any of these, please do not hesitate to call our office at 570-941-7520 or email me at
Office of the Provost / Academic Affairs
- Provost's Office Staff
- Academic Job Opportunities
- Requirements for Faculty Searches
- Curriculum Information
- Information for Faculty
Research and Compliance
- Academic Policy Handbook
- Ethics Across the Curriculum
- University Committees
- FT Faculty 24-25
- Chairpersons AY 24-25
- Provost's Reports to Faculty Senate
- Snow Day Information
- Faculty Events
- Tues-Thursday Meeting Time Guidelines
Undergraduate Admissions
Contact Us:
- Office of the Provost/SVPAA
- St. Thomas Hall
- 901 Linden Street, Room 5124
- Scranton, PA 18510
- The 澳彩开奖记录
- Phone: 570.941.7520
- Fax: 570-941-4386
New Faculty
Award Winning Faculty
Academic Support Offices
- College of Arts and Sciences
- Kania School of Management
- Leahy College of Health Sciences
- Library and Information Literacy
- Registrar
- Scholarships & Fellowships
- Research Services
- Office of Global Education
- Study Abroad
- Center for Teaching Excellence
- Office of Student Support and Success
- Performance Music
- Equity and Diversity
- Community-Based Learning (CBL)/Community-Research (CBR)
- Institutional Effectiveness